Note from Manchester Properties: Seniors, persons who are sick or have factors that make you a higher risk, or anybody in Colorado Springs and Monument, please let us know if we can help in any way. We can grocery shop for you, bring you necessities, or even just FaceTime to get some human interaction. Please call or text: 719-338-3203. We are all in this together!
Important Colorado and El Paso County COVID Testing Information (Click Here)
Latest News:
COVID-19 cases continue to grow in Colorado: 6,893 cases on Saturday (Source)
Coronavirus in Colorado: Outbreaks at nonhospital facilities increase; 274 deaths reported in the state (Source)
Why staying home saves lives (Source)
Quick Links:
Is Someone in Your Household High Risk for Coronavirus (Covid-19)?
Click on the image below for the printable version of this sign to place on your front door
The Gazette has an excellent write-up of breweries, restaurants, and distilleries who are doing food and drinks to-go! (Source)
Note from Manchester Properties: Seniors, persons who are sick or have factors that make you a higher risk, or anybody in Colorado Springs and Monument, please let us know if we can help in any way. We can grocery shop for you, bring you necessities, or even just FaceTime to get some human interaction. Please call or text: 719-338-3203. We are all in this together!
El Paso County Public Health Site (Updated Daily at 5pm) Click Here
Other Resources
- Several new locations now provide free meals for students for the extent of the governor’s order for no in-person schooling. Meals are available for any school student daily, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with lunch and breakfast for the next day. All sites will serve meals to all children age 18 and under, no matter where they attend school or the family’s economic status. This map contains the current information for dates and times and will be updated as more sites come online.
- The Survive & Thrive COS Emergency Business Relief Fund is now seeking mentors to volunteer with the program. Mentors are critical to helping local small businesses and nonprofits awarded Survive & Thrive loans navigate the uncertainties of the pandemic’s impact on their current needs and future success. Mentors serve as a sounding board for mentees, offering a listening ear, connecting to critical resources and expertise, and helping their mentees brainstorm creative solutions to their unique challenges. For more information on the program and to apply to be a mentor visit:
- The Colorado State Board of Human Services approved LEAP’s emergency rule request to extend the 2019-2020 application period to August 31st or until funds run out. More information on the program is online at People can apply through
- City of Colorado Springs:
- State of Colorado:
- The Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone (EZ) Business Relief Fund is the first community based, grant funded program to help small, locally owned businesses, now facing layoffs and closures, sustain operations and maintain their workforce through generous donations. Citizens who donate $100 or more qualify for an EZ 25 percent state income tax credit. Through this fund, small businesses within the Pikes Peak Enterprise Zone, will have access to grants up to $7,500 for critical needs such as rent or mortgage assistance, utility payments, employee payroll, accounts payable, etc. For more information on how residents may donate to the Pikes Peak EZ Business Relief Fund, please visit
- Help Colorado Now has an Innovation Response Team and is looking for private sector companies and individuals who can partner on projects addressing emerging challenges in Colorado due to COVID-19. The team is looking for software engineers, developers and data scientists, companies that have supply or manufacturing capabilities for personal protective equipment, and those looking to volunteer their company or individual professional expertise. Volunteer signup forms can be found at
- El Paso and Teller County residents can connect with information and resources for COVID-19 by calling (719) 575-8888. The call center is open seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m on weekends.

Info For the General Public
- About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- CDC Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
- Travel Health Notices
- Personal Preparedness Planning
- Reducing Stigma
- COVID-19 Disinfectants
- CDPHE Environmental Cleaning Guidance for COVID-19 English, Spanish (Español)
- Mental Health Resources
- Local Public Transportation Information
- Guidance: Talking to Kids about COVID-19
- Guidance: Talking to Teens about COVID-19
- Guidance: Behavioral Health Orientación de Salud Mental
- Quick Tips for Grocery Shopping
- Governor Polis Colorado Mask Campaign
- Resources for community members and businesses
- Public Health Order Restricting Visitors at All Colorado Skilled Nursing Facilities, Assisted Living Residences, & Intermediate Care Facilities Spanish (Espanol)
Info For Businesses:
- Agency Application for the CO COVID-19 Emergency Hunger Relief Fund
- Colorado Health Emergency Leave With Pay
- Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC
- CDPHE: Guidance for Grocers
- Emergency Response Fund Grant Application
- Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers
- Rapid Response Layoff Transition Services
- Resources for Non-Profit Organizations
- Small Business Guidance and Loan Resources
- Small Business Resources
- Support the Springs
Schools and Child Care
- Order to Extend the Suspension of Normal In-Person Instruction at All Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
- Approval of New and Relocated Child Care Operations during COVID-19 Response
- CDC: Guidance for Child Care Programs That Remain Open
- Colleges and Universities
Note from Manchester Properties: Seniors, persons who are sick or have factors that make you a higher risk, or anybody in Colorado Springs and Monument, please let us know if we can help in any way. We can grocery shop for you, bring you necessities, or even just FaceTime to get some human interaction. Please call or text: 719-338-3203. We are all in this together!
This page is updated to the best of our ability and might not have the most current information at all times. To confirm the validity and timeliness of the information provided, please click the Source links provided or contact the appropriate public agency.